Sims can have relationship goals : at a nightclub if a girl is attracted by a guy, she may get the goal to seduce him and will continuously run romancing interactions until she reaches her goal, gets rejected or simply gives up.
Sims consider relationships : a girl may not be interested by a guy at all, may friendzone him or romance him depending on her preferences.
You can set up preferences to tell what PC and NPC are attracted to (eg : fit or funny people…).
When a sims starts romancing autonomously, he keeps romancing and doesn’t suddenly leave the interaction to watch TV or play computer.
When in a posture, sims perform custom idles animations, like fondling each other or making out.
For example : the woman can passively sit on the man’s lap, waiting for a player action or autonomous interaction
Just like Maxis sofa cuddling interaction, sims can adopt postures.
It is not necessary to be in a “waiting for sex” state : new interactions can start from Maxis vanilla interactions, like working on computer, reading books or watching TV.
For example : while the man is working on his computer, the woman can come to blow him under the desk
Or, one of them can already be in position, like sit on a sofa or leaned on a desk, and call the other to join him.
Sims can start an interaction by discussing together.
They perform an animation to make the transition
Smooth transition between animations : sims don’t teleport themselves when they go from blowjob to sex, or from sex to climax.
Sims have custom animations to get in and out of position : if you want your sims to have sex on the bed, then they first get on the bed, and only then they start having sex.
Just like vanilla interactions, sims route to other sims and objects to interact with.
For example : the angry mood can give access to rough sex or punishment interactions
Interactions can have requirements : to unlock them, you may need to be in a specific mood or having reached a given relationship stage.
Interactions are available directly from the existing pie menu : no pop-up in the way.